
2022年、サカイ引越センターの研修棟での撮影をもとに制作された映像作品「Vital Ghost」を発表したPa.LaC.E(京都芸術センター アーティスト・イン・レジデンスプログラム2021 公募採択アーティスト)。アート×サカイ引越センターという、想像もしなかったコラボレーションが実現しました。
■ Pa.LaC.E(パレス)
Valle Medina (バジェ・メディナ)とBenjamin Reynols(ベンジャミン・レイノルズ)によるアーティストグループ。2018年からロイヤルカレッジオブアーツにて建築デザインスタジオリーダーとして教鞭をとる。第50回新建築社 The Glass – ザ・ガラス(東京)最優秀賞をはじめ、国際的な賞を受賞。これまでにICA(英国)、ヴァンアベミュージアム(オランダ)、オスロ建築トリエンナーレ(ノルウェー)、バルセロナ現代文化センター(CCCB)、ボストン芸術センター(米国)、Basis voor Actuele Kunst – BAK(オランダ)、ロンドン建築財団(英国)で作品が紹介されている。彼らの作品は、Volume(アムステルダム)、EP(Sternberg Press)、e-Flux Journal(ニューヨーク)、Ecocore(ロンドン)、ED(ロサンゼルス)など広く出版されています。そのほか、多くの著名な個人コレクションやメトロポリタン美術館のパーマネント・コレクションに収蔵されている。
Pa.LaC.E ウェブサイト
■ 京都芸術センター「アーティスト・イン・レジデンスプログラム」
Pa.LaC.Eは「アーティスト・イン・レジデンスプログラム2021」で公募採択されましたが、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響により渡航が叶いませんでした。そのため、2021年はオンラインでプログラムを進め、サカイ引越センターの協力のもと、日本の撮影チームと共に映像作品「Vital Ghost」を制作しました。その後、渡航制限の緩和に伴い2022年に来日を果たし、同年7月から3ヶ月間の滞在制作を行いました。京都芸術センター ウェブサイト
―「Vital Ghost」という作品を創る上で、なぜサカイ引越センターに興味を?
―What made you interested in Sakai Moving Service in creating the work “Vital Ghost”?
There are several interesting aspects of Sakai Moving Service that sets it apart from other companies in Japan and those in other countries. We were particularly interested in the high level of efficiency and attention to detail of Sakai Moving Service. Since Sakai Moving Service is known for their punctuality, precision, and careful handling of items, we wanted to document how everything is packed and transported safely and securely.
Another interesting aspect of Sakai Moving Service is how they often go above and beyond to ensure that their customers are satisfied, providing personalised and attentive service that can include helping with tasks like cleaning and unpacking.
It was interesting for us to document how advanced techniques were performed and innovative approaches helped to streamline their operations and improve the moving experience. For example, unique and original techniques were used to assist with moving heavy items or navigating narrow spaces.
Lastly, Sakai Moving Service’s unique level of professionalism, quality, and service reflects the values of Japanese culture, such as respect, attention to detail, and a commitment to excellence.
―How was your experience of remote shooting?
Shooting a film remotely without being physically present can be a complex and challenging process, but thankfully it is becoming increasingly common in today’s digital world. When shooting remotely, we expected to encounter communication and technical challenges, as well as limitations in our ability to control the shooting environment.
Effective communication became crucial in the film production. We faced obstacles such as time zone differences and language barriers, however it didn’t lead to miscommunication and delays. We were entirely happy with the shooting experience. Additionally, remote shooting required specialized equipment and technology, such as high-speed internet, reliable video conferencing software, and remote camera control.
Despite not having the same level of control over the shooting environment as we would have if we were physically present, we were able to control lighting and sound quality, thanks to our great team organised by Kyoto Art Center.
―How did you feel and find when you saw the action of the Sakai Moving Service staff through shooting?
When Sakai Moving Service was working together as a team, it was an impressive sight to behold. The level of coordination, efficiency, and expertise on display inspired confidence in their ability to handle even the most complex and challenging moves.
One of the most striking things about watching the professional moving team in action is the way they seem to move as one. Each member of the team knows their role and performs it with precision, seamlessly coordinating with one another to ensure that everything runs smoothly. They communicate clearly and effectively using signals to stay in sync and anticipate each other’s needs.
Another impressive aspect of watching the Sakai Moving Service team was their attention to detail. They take great care to protect the belongings, using high-quality packing materials, careful wrapping techniques, and strategic loading and unloading practices to prevent damage. They also work quickly and efficiently, utilizing specialized equipment and techniques to maximize space, minimize downtime, and keep the move on schedule.